Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


FYI -- if you're going to steal my pics and claim that they are pics of yourself, don't send them to my friends dumbass.  ALL my pics and vids are copyrighted to me -- meaning I own them -- and if you are using them without my persmission don't be surprised if I sue your pathetic ass for copyright infringment.

I do the hard work.  I am the one who sweats their ass off training hard -- get off your lazy ass and hit the gym yourself instead of trying to use my pics.  This is exactly why I show my tattoo -- guarantee you do not have the same tat and it can not be duplicated no matter how hard you try -- this is FACT!

Just pissed that people feel the need to steal pics then lie saying it's

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Glimpse of workout :)

This is my Coach -- it amazes me that he hits the speed bag like it's nothing!  One day I will be able to do it like him!!  Its dark because we are in the "dungeon" 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Special Surprise Coming!!

Hey everyone!!  I got a surprise that I am going to post shortly :)  Ya'll keep asking for a glimpse of my workouts, sooooo, Coach let me vid the end of our workout today!!!  It's not me -- lol -- I can't do this the speed bag as well as him - but it's something I do :)~

Stay tuned...

Muche Love,

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Hey everyone :)  Hope that you are having  great weekend.  Well, despite being stood up for my friends wedding I went anyway -- it was a goregous wedding and the bride looked beautiful :)  The weather was just right for an outside wedding.  Here's a few pics from Saturday  -- Enjoy!

Much love,

Just me :)

skirt and heels (and top) I wore to the wedding

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Update 9/1/12

In 6 wks time I have lost a total of 23.5 inches over all and 30lbs! I can't wait to see what happens in the next 6 wks!!! No fad diets, no gimmicks, just a lot of hard work, sweat and determination -- and I have the BEST COACH EVER!! Want to know how I did it? Message me and I will tell you my secret :)