Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 20th

Monday, June 18, 2012

So true...

I loved this and wanted to share -- Thanks Tonia!

"Relationships are harder now because conversations became texting, arguments became phone calls, feelings became subliminal messages online. Sex became easy, the word love gets used out of context, insecurities have become your way of thinking. Getting jealous became a habit, trust has been lost, cheating became an accident, leaving became the only option and being hurt became natural."

Tonia Moore IFBB Pro

Monday, June 11, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

6 mile hike ...

so ... for the hell of it the other day I decided to walk at a Metro park that I hadn't been at before -- the walk turned into a 6 mile hike!!  My legs hate me for this for sure lol  Wasn't planned to walk almost the whole sucker, but kinda got a lil lost since the bloody thing is really marked well!  Here's a map of the park and a few pics of my legs AFTER the hike -- like swoll and tight and I am still feelin the hurt 3 days later!  --walked the yellow and orange and some brown --- try not to laugh to hard at my shoes lol