Friday, November 22, 2013


It's been brought to my attention via emails that there is a female on youtube (not mentioning names) that is trashing me and saying that I am fake etc. 

It's all good - I don't care if someone trashes me - just goes to show what type of person they are. 

If you feel the need to talk shit, trash or whatever else about me - just goes to prove I am doing something right! 

That you feel I am a threat to you is your own insecurity.

on another note - updated stats ....

Quads :  32 1/2"
Calves:  22 1/2"
Biceps:  17''
Forearms: 11"
Wrist: 7 1/2"
Chest: 58 1/2"

Leg press: 1320lb for 8 reps
Bench: 220lb 8 reps
Bicep curl: 60lb one handed dumbbell 12 reps/set
Squats: 260lb for 10 reps/set

5000lb Challenge - clean snatch - 45lb bar - 111 reps - 12:09 time
personal goal is to do it in 10 min or less

**doing more functional training for competition next year**


  1. Those stats are so impressive! You continually amaze me with your hard work and dedication.

  2. For fun, I calculated out your one rep maxes based on those stats. They came out 273 bench, 347 squat, 1639 leg press, 86 one-armed dumbbell curls.
    That's awesome brute strength, dwarfing the average male and near superhuman compared to the average female. Considering the number of reps you're doing, that's great endurance and overall fitness as well. You should be very proud of yourself.


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